Suomen Mestari 1Full description
Also available for Suomen mestari 2 is which includes the audio of the listening exercises in text form. This might help you if you want to read along while you listen. In addition, this PDF also contains the solutions to the exercises of the newest book. Note that these solutions are also included in the back of the physical book, making this kind of redundant. If you have the digital version of the book, the pages will be clickable in your browser to show you the correct answers.
I’m anticipating that Finn Lectura will publish similar types of exercises for Suomen mestari 2 as they have recently done for the first book. So far, they are not available yet (as of April 2024).
As is the case for most books on the market, this book is completely in Finnish and contains exercises that are designed for a classroom setting. However, I think Suomen mestari 2 is pretty nice for self-study. Its slow pace, the way it displays new vocabulary and the abundance of exercises (with solutions!) allow you to benefit from this book in self-study. I think it would be important to also invest in the listening exercises. You can find this book and its listening exercises in every Finnish library, because it’s been very popular.
Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille" Suomen mestari 1.
Just like in the first book, the construction of each chapter in Suomen mestari 2 is very clear and easy to follow. Each chapter starts with a reading text, which is generally a mix of some narrative text and a dialogue related to it. After that, each chapter comes with pictures and word lists with vocabulary related to the topic of the chapter. For example, after a text about a trip to the summer cottage, you get pictures and words related to Finnish nature. After the vocabulary pages, all the new grammar of the chapter is explained. This takes multiple pages because all the grammar is combined in that one section. I think the idea is that you jump back and forth between the grammar pages and the exercise pages as you process the grammar.
Finn Lectura has also released vocabulary booklets for the following languages: , , , , , and . These booklets contain lists of the vocabulary used in each chapter in Suomen mestari 2.
The grammar in the first part of Suomen mestari 2 is typical for more or less level A2.1-A2.2: , , , the and infinitive, and . In the last two chapters, we take a jump into the , and . This is strange when the third book dives back into and conjugations. It’s likely this was done in order to not make Suomen mestari 2 too verb-oriented, as it already contains very many verb forms.
In Suomen mestari 3, there seems to be an abrupt increase in the length (and to some extent also in difficulty) of the reading texts compared to the earlier books. Another big difference between the second book and the third book is the usage of spoken language. In Suomen mestari 3, most of the texts are written in spoken language.
Uudistettu sanasto suomi-englanti" Suomen mestari 1.
Finn Lectura has also released vocabulary booklets for the following languages: , , , , , , , , and . These booklets contain lists of the vocabulary used in each chapter in Suomen mestari 1.
Suomen mestari 1 takes the student to level A1.
Also available for Suomen mestari 1 is which includes the content of the listening exercises in text form. This might help you if you want to read along while you listen. In addition, this PDF also contains the solutions to the exercises of the newest book. Note that these solutions are also included in the back of the physical book, making this kind of redundant. If you have the digital version of the book, the pages will be clickable in your browser to show you the correct answers.
Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille" Suomen mestari 4.
Vocabulary topics present in Suomen mestari 3 cover more abstract topics than the previous books. You can find, for example, content related to Finnish culture and art, protection of the environment, Finland’s history, geography and social life. Combined with this are topics that immigrants in Finland might run into, such as writing an email about one’s residence permit to the police. There are also several topics which require the learner to compare the situation in their home country to that in Finland (e.g. family and city life). Being able to compare more abstract topics is of great importance if you intend to participate in the YKI-testi. A lot of detail has also been put into expressing your opinion and feelings.
Äänite CD" Uudistettu Suomen mestari 1.
Suomen mestari 1 takes you from the very basics, starting with how to explain where you’re from. The first book covers the typical zero to A1.3 topics: , , , , , , , and . It pays special attention to actual language use, such as asking for help, directions or for the price of something, booking a room in a , ordering in a restaurant and communicating in a .
Uudistettu sanasto suomi-ukraina" Suomen mestari 1.
The Suomen mestari series was originally published in the 2010’s, and then revamped in the 2020’s. Currently, the first two books in the series have been updated, while the other two are awaiting their turn. This matters because, in addition to the book, the audio will also be different, depending on what version you have. The audio for the older version is currently available to listen to for free online. The newest book’s audio must be purchased.